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Need a comparative market analysis to impress your new client? Let Sidekick do the heavy lifting. Simply tell Sidekick what you need, and in seconds, a stunning CMA will be generated to your exact specifications. No need to pull together the data or tell your designer to get to work — it's already there, waiting for your review.
Upload your listing images and let Sidekick take over. Built-in image recognition will write descriptions for each image, as well as your property remarks in verbiage that sounds just like you. Because the more you use Sidekick, the more it learns how you work and communicate.
Never miss an email or appointment again. Use Sidekick to proactively manage your email and set appointments. Ask Sidekick to draft emails, so you can spend more time with your clients. Schedule your meetings and send emails right from the Sidekick mobile app.
All 1.3 million active, pending and historical listings are accessible within the Sidekick app, so you can find listings, run searches, and create market reports in seconds.
Sidekick is a generative AI application. That means you can use your voice to tell Sidekick to do what you need it to do. For example, "show me a CMA for 123 Main St. in Tarrytown." It's that easy.