Learning & Development

78% of agents aren't confident about emerging technologies.* With OneKey® MLS Learning & Development you can be sure you're among the 22% that are prepared for what's ahead

*2024 NAR Technology Survey

Make the most of OneKey® MLS's products and solutions with on-demand training in a format designed for you.

Anytime, anywhere learning

The business of real estate changes every day. So does the technology you need to use to conduct your business. That's why learning isn't a one-and-done activity. It's a continuous process that can sometimes happen when you need to learn how to do something very specific (like how to login to MLS-Touch for the first time) or long term (such as building your buyer business). Either way, you need highly digestible learning and development resources that get straight to the point and advance the skills and knowledge you already have so you can take your business to the next level.

Deep learning, no waiting

Everyone absorbs information differently, and they can also be in any environment while they're learning. Whether you're waiting for your client to show up at your latest listing or fitting an hour of work in at the coffee shop between appointments, you can access live events, video tutorials, on-demand classes, how-to instructions and a wealth of downloadable resources 24x7x365 from OneKey® MLS. Now learning can become a continuous activity you can access just in time at just the right level for you. Go as deep as you want and need, and never wait for an answer again. Empower yourself and your business, and invest in yourself.

Real-world terminology, practical use cases

Every product in the OneKey® MLS solution suite comes with resources that show you how to make the most of it. Whether you need to perform a basic task or complete a complex workflow, the Learning & Development Center likely has a Learning Path or specific resource to help. Every article, tutorial, training and event is created with the same standard of excellence in mind: Each must use common terminology and language, cite workflows and use cases that are based on professionals' real-world practices, and always be current.

Did you know?

  • Learn at your own pace in any format that works for you: live events, video tutorials, on-demand classes, how-to instructions
  • Download useful infographics, checklists, guides, and tip sheets

Practical outcomes
  • Learn what you need to know to achieve a specific objective via a Learning Path
  • Reinforce, enhance, and augment your skillset anytime

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